Advanced Masking Techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop
contact usSelective masking allows you to edit portions of your images using sophisticated AI tools now available in Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. In this workshop we will take several images and apply edits using these functions:
- Masking Groups
- Sky Selections
- Subject Selections
- Selection Inversion
- Gradient, Radial and Brush Adjustment Tools
- Color and Luminosity Range Selections
- Intersection Techniques
- Including the latest enhancements
Each of these workshops is uniquely interactive. The classes are held using the Zoom with each student able to interact with the instructor and the rest of the class. Each class will be limited to 8 people to ensure that everyone receives personal attention and that all questions are answered.
Prior to the start of the workshop each student receives a Workbook, a set of images used in the class and instructions on how to access the online class. The works
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